What is Look Up and Beyond?
Look Up and Beyond is a collaborative project, founded by Naeema Yaqoob Sajid and Diversity+. Its goals are simple:
- to deeply study and better understand the limitations faced by women in the legal industry and beyond
- to work side by side with organisations to implement solutions to break down the barriers that affect female progression and retention.
Look Up and Beyond provides a gathering point for organisations to dedicate time and effort to achieving a better gender balance in the Scottish legal industry. Together, we will listen, raise awareness, challenge mindsets and ultimately remove obstacles piece by piece.

How can you help?
Projects like these only exist with help from people like you.
If you want to help support Look Up and Beyond, we are looking for organisations and firms to help with:
- Sponsorship, via annual membership, to help fund our activities
- Collaboration for LUAB events
- Sharing your knowledge and raising awareness
Looking for event inspiration? Have a read of our events brochure for some ideas!
Membership Costs:
Sole practitioner/independent consultant/retired/not practicing = no charge
2-10 solicitor firm and ‘not for profit’ organisations = £250 per annum
11-30 solicitor firm = £500 per annum
31 -51 solicitor firm = £1,000 per annum
51-100 solicitor firm = £2,000 per annum
100+ solicitor firm = £3,000 per annum
Membership Benefits:
Public endorsement with a reputable organisation including permitted use of our logos
Membership can be used to meet your D, E & I objectives
Widen your appeal as an inclusive employer
Assistance with improving your internal initiatives
‘Upskill’ your internal talent e.g., with speaking and writing opportunities
Widen your connections with our members
Improve your reach for future business and talent
Free and earlier access to our events
Free access to our materials
Free industry wide insights