About Us

Our aim is to build trusted relationships within businesses.
Diversity+ was founded by Naeema Yaqoob Sajid - a specialist solicitor who overcame many barriers in order to enter the legal profession. Despite this Naeema became a Partner at one of the top 10 legal firms in Scotland, and from that high level of achievement, she put the ladder back down to help others who are facing barriers.
Driven by her passion for leaving something behind, Naeema co-founded SEMLA (Scottish Ethnic Minority Lawyers' Association) and began working through that forum to support ethnic minority lawyers through the barriers they face on the road to success.
Naeema Yaqoob Sajid
Left school at 17 to do what was expected of her : get married
With none of the Scottish Universities accepting her school or further education qualifications, she was forced to go through exam resits
Studied a law degree while caring for her two under 5 year olds
Spent most of her 20 year career in the legal profession feeling like an imposter
Knew about intersectionality and the additional barriers it creates before the term was invented
Experienced many career barriers, but broke them down to become a Partner in a Scottish top 10 law firm
Launched Diversity+ to support the legal profession in its mission to become more diverse and inclusive
Her award winning skills are in demand from the legal and financial sectors, and other businesses who are committed to inclusivity

Nina Taylor, solicitor
"Naeema has a constructive, practical approach to inclusion and diversity from which we can all learn. She has a wealth of experience and expertise which she brings to the table, along with compassion and understanding. "